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wtorek, 12 kwietnia 2011

Finally done project - W.o.T credits hack!

Page moved to: http://goo.gl/Bb0u8

12 komentarzy:

  1. That is good idea, open beta has started today. Hope to see updated version very soon :)

  2. Can you upload it on another server?
    for example Rapidshare, Megaupload, hotfile or stuff like that. (it's important to be free)

  3. It is working but I have found a little bug, write me back, thanks

  4. Ok I have added around $4.000.000 credits today, wish I don't get banned :PP

  5. hey, so can You upload that hack to Megaupload/Filedude/Rapidshare/Mediafire/Hotfile?

  6. Well, world goes on in a good way guys ]=>
    Bring us more crazy shits like that and upload it here, for sure i will check it.

  7. can some one help me how to hank w.o.t credit hank!!!!
